Jerry's Project Page
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This project started in December 1996 with the 1979 Chevy truck pictured above.


The body was completely stripped from the chassis. The chassis was cleaned and then painted with undercoating.
All the suspension components were replaced with new parts. The 1984 Chevy truck was purchased in January of 1997.


The cab, doors, and fenders were the only items reused from this truck. These items were media blasted by the Dick Edwards Ford body shop. The interior was completely gutted and replaced with new or good used items.


The cab was undercoated and placed back on the chassis. It was then taken to Quality Body Shop to be primed and edged for assembly. These photos were taken in February of 1997.


The fenders and front end were placed back on the chassis. The bed floor is from a 1982 Chevy truck, and the bed sides are new aftermarket items. After the bed was assembled, it was dummied back on the chassis one more time before final painting.


The bed floor is painted with a bed liner spray, and then removed from the chassis so bodywork on the cab can begin. These photos were taken in March and April of 1997.


Here the cab is sprayed with tint prime in the first photo. The second photo is the final paint, and the third photo is fully assembled truck. These photos were taken in May of 1997. Most of the final body work and all of the painting at this point was done by Bill Sheridan.


These photos were taken after the truck was damaged by hail in June of 1998.


These were taken at Quality Body Shop while repairs were being done. I stripped all the chrome, bumpers, mirrors, etc. Phil and Randy then repaired all the hail damage and completely repainted the whole truck.


Here is the final truck after the second paint job. This is the way it looks at this point in time.
The last photo was taken in 2001.


Sorry I don't have a more current project, but this truck burned me out for a while. Currently I am into computers, the Internet, and web page design. I still love cars and racing, but just watch now instead of participating. Need a computer? I can build you a custom computer system using new or used components. I also do some minor troubleshooting and repair. (See link below.)

Computer repair and troubleshooting


This page last updated August 1, 2001.